"Better fear the one who thinks about stealing from you than the one who actually does it."
This English phrase captures the essence of the Chinese saying "不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记". The sentiment behind this proverb is that it's worse to have someone constantly thinking about and planning to steal from you than someone who outright steals without any forethought or planning.
The concept behind this saying reflects an understanding of human nature and behavior. Someone who is actively stealing may only do so once, and then they're done. They might not come back again. However, someone who is always thinking about how to steal from you, planning their moves, and finding ways to outsmart you, can be a constant threat. This person will continue to find new ways to try and take what you have, making them much more dangerous in the long run.
In business and personal life, this can translate into being wary of people who are overly interested in your success or possessions. It's often better to deal with an open and direct adversary than a covert and cunning one.
Understanding this concept can help us be more aware of potential threats, both in our professional and personal lives. We should be cautious of those who seem overly interested in our successes, plans, and possessions, as they could be the ones plotting against us. At the same time, we should also strive to be transparent and honest in our dealings with others, so that we don't become the type of person who is constantly plotting and scheming.