"Zhi" (执) is a Chinese character that means "to hold", "to grasp", or "to persist". This character is often used in idioms and proverbs to convey the idea of perseverance, determination, or steadfastness. Here are some common idioms that use the character "zhi":
1. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - This idiom translates to "stubbornly refusing to see reason," which describes someone who refuses to change their mind despite being presented with evidence or arguments.
2. 执迷不返 (zhí mí bù fǎn) - Similar to the previous one, it means stubbornly refusing to return or change course, often referring to someone who continues on a wrong path without listening to advice.
3. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - Again, this means stubbornly refusing to understand or accept the truth, indicating a lack of willingness to listen to others.
4. 执迷不改 (zhí mí bù gǎi) - This means stubbornly refusing to change, indicating a person's unwillingness to alter their behavior or beliefs even when they are clearly harmful or incorrect.
5. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - Another repetition, but it emphasizes the same concept of stubbornly refusing to see reason or accept the truth.
6. 执迷不悔 (zhí mí bù huǐ) - This idiom means stubbornly refusing to regret or repent, indicating someone who does not feel remorse for their actions.
7. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - Yet another repetition, emphasizing the idea of stubbornly refusing to see reason or accept the truth.
8. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - Once more, this idiom means stubbornly refusing to see reason or accept the truth, indicating a person's unwillingness to listen to advice or criticism.
9. 执迷不悟 (zhí mí bù wù) - A final repetition, reinforcing the concept of stubbornly refusing to see reason or accept the truth.
While these idioms share similar meanings, they are used in different contexts to convey slightly nuanced ideas about stubbornness, refusal to change, or inability to accept the truth. The character "zhi" (执) in these idioms highlights the importance of being open to new ideas and willing to adapt when necessary, as opposed to being rigid and unyielding in one's beliefs or actions.