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来源:优选经验2023-10-17 10:22:11
导读 今天芳芳来为大家解答以上的问题。高级英语2词汇测试,2023年英语高级词汇相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、高级提分词...


1、高级提分词汇  a handful of 少数的  the majority of 多数的  a variety of 各种各样的  accelerate the pace of 加快步伐……  according to 根据  acquire knowledge 获得知识  anyhow 不管怎样  appoint sb. as 任命  apply sth. in our daily life 运用到生活之中  arise from = result from 根源于  as a general rule 一般情况下  assume 假设;设想  be associated with = be linked with = be related to 与……有关的  be disconnected from 与……脱离  be eager to 渴望  be superior to 比……优越;超过  beyond sth. 表示超出能力范围  beyond repair 无法修理  choke off 阻塞  Conclusively,same valid evidence, 总结性地。

2、一些有理的令人信服发证据  consult sb. 向某人咨询、求助  current situation 现在的情形  distinction = difference 不同点  explicit = definite = specific 明确的;清晰的  gain experience 获得经验  guide sth. to do 指导……  handle = deal with 处理;解决  in advance 提前;预先  in large quantities 大量的  a large quantity of + 可数n.  in that case 在那种情况下  judging from/by 由……评判  meet our demands 满足我们的需要  obtain = acquire = gain 得到  on that basis 在此基础上  permit sb. to do = allow doing sth. potential = probable 可能的  purify our heart 净化我们的心灵  reliable 可靠的  relieve sth. 缓解情感  sacrifice = devote oneself to(to为介词)= contribute to  split up 分开 如:Our opinions are split up / divided into two halves.  spring up 突然涌现  sth. remain + adj. or to be done 仍然…… sth.  work effectively 奏效地  undertake 承担;担任  up to you 取决于你  worn out = give out = be exhausted 筋疲力尽的。


